Effective Leadership Requires Upgrading your Conscious Operating System
The lauded Waking Up the Workplace interview series was conducted in 2011 with some of the greatest minds in conscious business.
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In This Free Interview We Explore…
CEO of The Leadership Circle Bob Anderson shares how hard business can be, and why, to be a truly effective leader, you must upgrade your conscious operating system.

Bob Anderson
Effective Leadership Requires Upgrading your Operating System
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About Bob
Bob Anderson is the founder and CEO of The Leadership Circle, where he is the creator and author of The Leadership Circle Profile, an integrated and innovative leadership development tool used by companies worldwide.
Bob’s story as an innovator and visionary in leadership began in high school and college where he staffed intensive personal and leadership development retreats. In business school, his love for statistics and economics helped to culture a unique talent: he became skillful at taking complex ideas and integrating them into models and methods for leadership development that are powerful, tangible and accessible.
While working as a manager in manufacturing, Bob completed a Master’s degree in Organizational Development. Early in his career, he was fortunate to have had Peter Block as his mentor. He has also worked closely with some of the industry’s most respected names including Peter Senge, Robert Fritz and Ken Wilber. He and David Whyte co-taught leadership workshops created by Bob.
For the last 20 years Bob has created and conducted intensive leadership development workshops. His most current breakthrough programs include: The Authentic Leader, Mastering Leadership, and Pathway to Partnership. Bob has consulted for some of the world’s top companies including AT&T, IBM, McDonalds Corporation and Kraft Foods.
To better serve his clients, Bob searched for an assessment tool that matched the frameworks he had been developing for nearly 30 years. He found himself using multiple surveys because no single tool did enough to reveal both behavioral competencies and the underlying motivational system that establishes the pattern of strengths and weaknesses. He decided to create a tool that did it all. The Leadership Circle Profile, was the result.
While undertaking his work in the field of management, Bob been happily married for twenty-five years and is the father of three. Â In addition to all this, Bob has also found the time to become an instrument-rated pilot.