Deep Inquiry is at the Heart of Business Transformation
The lauded Waking Up the Workplace interview series was conducted in 2011 with some of the greatest minds in conscious business.
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In This Free Interview We Explore…
Action Inquiry author Bill Torbert explains how real organisational transformation only happens in very specific circumstances brought about by deep personal inquiry.

Bill Torbert
Deep Inquiry is at the Heart of Business Transformation
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About Bill
Now Professor of Management at the Carroll School of Management at Boston College, Bill Torbert has also served as the school’s Graduate Dean and Director of the PhD Program in Organizational Transformation. He has been involved in the founding of many academic programs, institutions as well as on serving the boards of numerous scholarly journals.
Outside the academy, Bill has consulted widely including projects with Odebrecht Construction [Brazil], Volvo and UBS Warburg [England], Lego [Denmark], Center for Creative Leadership [USA]) and served on the Boards of Harvard Pilgrim Health Care and Trillium Asset Management (the first and largest independent social investing advisor). He also currently serves as Director of Research for Hathill Consulting UK.
Bill is well known for his theories, cases, surveys, and lab and field experiments in regard to developmental transformation at both the personal and organizational levels, as well as within science itself, undergirded by an action research process exercised in real-time, everyday life, called “developmental action inquiry.” Unlike most purely third-person, analytic social science research, action inquiry integrates first-person, second-person, and third-person research/practice in real-time. He has written numorous books, perhaps most famously: Action Inquiry: The Secret of Timely and Transforming Leadership (Berrett-Koehler, 2004).
Torbert received a BA, magna cum laude, in Political Science & Economics and a PhD in Administrative Sciences from Yale University, holding a Danforth Graduate Fellowship during his graduate years. He taught at Yale, Southern Methodist University, and Harvard prior to joining the Boston College faculty in 1978.
Most of all, though, he takes great pleasure and pride (not to mention occasional pain) in the ongoing development of his friends, his students, and his three sons, Michael, Patrick, and Benjamin.