If you missed part 1 of this blog, you can find it here (probably best to start there if you just stumbled across this article).

OK, onto the final 3 tropical meeting problems…

Problem #4 – Arguing over the Agenda

Time is probably precious to you – you don’t have enough of it. So when this happens to you, it probably frustrates the hell out of you…

“We come into the meeting with lots of important things to resolve, but just agreeing on what’s on the agenda, and in what order we address them takes half the actual meeting!”

4There are a couple of reasons why this problem occurs in meetings.

A common one is that when you start trying to agree on the agenda, this happens… Someone brings up an agenda point, and then immediately starts discussing it. You may think that’s the obvious and efficient way to go about it. It’s not! Not only annoying, but horribly inefficient.

The second reason is probably even more problematic. If you don’t have a reliable habit of getting through all your agenda points in the meeting, then there’s going to be some serious political jostling from people to get their items high up the list.

The result? Building the agenda becomes an exercise in ‘who has the most outspoken ego’. Fun. So how do you work with this?

What you can do to address this problem

Simple (but not always easy). You put in place a very rigorous agenda building process. here’s the best one we know.

  1. Don’t build the agenda in advance – this guarantees everything on there is current and relevant. Yes, this can be scary! But it doesn’t mean you can’t think about agenda items in advance, or don’t prepare. It just means build the agenda on the spot.
  2. Go point by point – move around the circle and one by one offer points to add to the agenda. Whatever you do, don’t start explaining the points or discussing them, just compile a list of labels. So long as the person bringing in the point knows what it means, it’s fine. You’re finished when no-one has any more points. If someone wants to talk about sales, and someone else wants to talk about sales, too, list it twice. They may be very different points, requiring a different decision or action.
  3. Agree to get through all of them – and set a time limit to do so. If you do this, then it immediately resolves the issue of political manoeuvring around certain topics, since everyone knows everything gets covered.

Simple. If building the actual agenda takes more than 2 or 3 minutes then you’re probably doing something wrong. Still find it hard to get through all the points on the agenda? Never fear, that’s up next…

Problem #5 – Meaningless Meeting Minutes

Untitled-2There’s nothing that’s going to shine a brighter light on the effectiveness of your meetings than what happens afterwards with the minutes. Ever have this experience?…

“We come out of the meeting with 10 pages of minutes that get emailed around, but no-one looks at them and nothing gets followed up on.”

Maybe you agree on what ‘we’ need to do on a particular item, but then nothing gets done. Maybe you never even get to solutions, and manifest problem #4.

Whatever the cause, it’s a frustrating thing to spend time meeting with people to resolve things, but find the following week that nothing’s been done to move things forward.

In a way, this says more about the cultural habits outside a meeting than in it, but it also identifies a key component of good meeting practice: clarifying and capturing next-actions.

What you can do to address this problem

There are really effective ways to use next-actions, and there are inept ways. Here’s a process that should banish meaningless meeting minutes forever!

  1. One item at a time – don’t ever mix up or combine agenda items. Go through them in order, one by one, and use the person that brought up the agenda point as you’re ‘sensor’ for when you’re done.
  2. A brief discussion – you may need to talk about the item to understand what the problem is, or you may not. But either way as soon as responsibly possible move on and…
  3. Ask ‘what do you need’ – you can discuss problems for near on eternity, but the key is finding the physical next-action to take it forward, and not all the things that would resolve this forever, theoretically. And make sure you’re asking the person who brought up the addenda point specifically, and not the entire room (that leads to more discussion).
  4. Start next-actions with a verb – so it’s clear what the outcome is, that’s measurable. For example “Powerpoint Presentation” is a really bad next action. You may know what it means when you write it down, but in the tumult of busyness you quickly forget. Instead phrase it in a way that is physically measurable, for example “Create and email Powerpoint Presentation on meeting practices to Jeff.”
  5. Have one name next to each next action – so that there’s no confusion over who is accountable for it. And always have a name!

Do all this and you’re making it pretty hard for agreed tasks and actions to fall between the cracks. No more “I thought we agreed to get this done, what happened?”.

Problem #6 – Ego Jousting

This one is a real productivity killer and can manifest in all kinds of ways, but you’ll probably recognize it as something like…

“It feels like most of us are just here to provide an audience for today’s round of political infighting by the same two or three people.”

Untitled-3No matter the meeting topic, the same people talk about the same old gripes, and try and ram the same old story down the same old throats.

The result? People start to feel unsafe – fast. It’s hard to bring anything in as it’s seen as a threat to the jousting competition. So you end up as the invisible schmuck in the corner, never seen and never heard. Great way to feel useful!

The bad news is this one is normally a sign of a pretty dysfunctional organisational culture that has nothing to do with the meeting itself. The good news? There is something you can do to calm the disease.

What you can do to address this problem

Get a meeting facilitator. Not always easy to do, but it’s the only real way of addressing this problem without doing major cultural change work. And if you do it, you should see results fast. So, how does it work?

  1. Get agreement from all the meeting participants to use a facilitator – maybe you need to do it on a trial basis at first, but just do what you need to do to get the green light. It could be someone who’s already a regular meeting participant, or someone from the outside (less politically loaded).
  2. Agree the process that you want facilitated – keep it simple, for example, the 4 steps of check-in, agenda building, processing agenda items into next-actions and check-out.
  3. Guard the process – the job of the facilitator is not to police people and control them, but to guard the process. Anytime the meeting veers of track, gently bring it back to the topic at hand. It’s not personal.
  4. Invite feedback – have the facilitator ask for feedback at the end of the meeting. What worked, what didn’t, how did they feel about having it facilitated in general?

A good facilitator is worth their weight in gold, but even a semi-competent one is probably going to make a big difference to ego jousting. And the more you get in the habit of sticking to the structure with the facilitator’s help, the more people will start to facilitate themselves.

These solutions will help you have great meetings

But, don’t try them all out at once! Even if you’re meetings suck so hard you’re desperate to make sweeping changes, our advice would be do it bit by bit.

Because some people can be resistant to change! Try out one or two of these suggestions and see how it goes.

The proof is in the doing, and these solutions do work.

And take a moment to leave a comment below and tell us what happens when you try these solutions out in your meetings!


490 responses to “6 Typical Problems with Meetings and What To Do About Them (Part 2)”

  1. And here's the link to the first part again, which has some comments too…

  2. macangel says:

    Thanks for this great article. I made some changes to the app that we use to do our meetings based on Part 1.Thanks for this great article. I made some changes to the app that we use to do our meetings based on Part 1.

    Thankfully the app already allowed us to add tasks and assign them to people after the meeting. We also post the meeting notes there and everyone can comment on them so everyone stays in the loop. http://www.residualreach.com/blog/great_meetings_

    We also got a lot out of the third week class in the Agents of Conscious Business course where we learned about Holacracy. We've been doing what we call "Sensor meetings" with our clients ever since.

    Keep bringing the great info!

  3. John says:

    I find that the person requesting the meeting should put together the agenda and the outcome they are looking to achieve and send it out in advance. This should help the organizer think through what they are looking to accomplish. Then at the meeting they should review the agenda and ask if anything is missing or needs to be adjusted. This will allow for other relevant ideas and more collective ownership. The challenge here to manage the scope of the meeting to assure meeting stays relevant and within the alotted time frame. Be open to end the meeting or reconvene it if the agenda adjustment requires preparation or more time.

  4. gaston_schmitz says:

    Great stuff Ewan. I like the practical, to-the-point instructions and I lik the links with Holacracy tactical meeting model. I'll put some of these tips into practice once I return from a travel and will let you know the outcomes.

  5. Bonita Morgan says:

    Thanks Ewan. In my experience having a starting time and an ending time for the meeting is important, and even making estimates about how long it might take for discussion of particular agenda items, otherwise one can get stuck early in the meeting and not finish discussing all agenda items. I prefer having an agenda and having other key attendees add to that agenda beforehand so that everyone knows the focus of the discussions and can prepare mentally and otherwise. I hate time wasting as a result of getting bogged down in trivia rather than addressing the important stuff.

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  140. Real estate shareholders live in addition to die by means of their chance to add importance. With not any added importance, there usually are no gains. This applies with almost any business, but what makes real estate a really great business as well as a great investment decision, is the volume of ways you can contribute value and benefit from big gains.For more information on click here: http://www.realestatevalley.us

  141. Health fitness tips also recommend that vices should be stopped. Smoking predisposes one to vascular conditions such as arteriosclerosis and heart diseases. Alcohol consumption need not be eliminated but should be limited to 30 jiggers a day only. Alcohol still has health benefits such as vasodilation. These are just some of what Health fitness tips recommendFor more information on click here: http://www.healthyactivities.us

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  145. Health fitness suggestions also advise that vices needs to be stopped. Smoking predisposes anyone to vascular conditions for instance arteriosclerosis and also heart conditions. Alcohol consumption will not need to be eradicated but needs to be limited to be able to 30 jiggers per day only. Alcohol nonetheless has health improvements such since vasodilation. These are just some of what Health fitness suggestions recommendFor more information on click here: http://www.idealhealthfitness.us

  146. You'll find all varieties and styles of fashion blogs because the internet is packed with them. It can speak about the main advantage of wearing slim jeans above boyfriend denims or just how pink takes the spot of african american plus every one of the extras. When you go on the web, you are certain to get your fill with the latest in fashion trends by means of fashion blogs.For more information on click here: http://www.currentfashiontrend.com

  147. Real estate traders live as well as die through their capability to add worth. With absolutely no added worth, there tend to be no earnings. This holds true with any kind of business, but why is real estate this type of great business along with a great expense, is the amount of ways you can include value and profit from big earnings.For more information on click here: http://www.commercialsproperty.us

  148. Are you thinking concerning remodeling the home? Take into account that you can frequently achieve the goal with out a giant expenditure. Small advancements introduced in virtually every room, including the surface of your home can make every one of the difference.For more information on click here: http://www.houseInnovations.us

  149. The truth is that We can sit these today and even write what you deserve to be hunting for in business trends and be able to a 365 days from at present, write the exact same sort in article through different ideas to keep abreast of as business and even society evolve.For more information on click here: http://www.theservicesexperience.com

  150. Health fitness guidelines also advice that vices must be stopped. Smoking predisposes you to definitely vascular conditions including arteriosclerosis along with heart ailments. Alcohol consumption don't need to be taken away but must be limited for you to 30 jiggers every day only. Alcohol even now has benefits such while vasodilation. These are are just some of what Health fitness guidelines recommendFor more information on click here: http://www.healthcarecentre.us

  151. Are you currently thinking regarding remodeling your own home? Remember that you could achieve your own goal with no giant cost. Small enhancements introduced in nearly every room, including the outside of the home can make all of the difference.For more information on click here: http://www.selecthomeadvisor.us

  152. Health fitness points also propose that vices need to be stopped. Smoking predisposes that you vascular conditions like arteriosclerosis in addition to heart disorders. Alcohol consumption does not need to be taken out but need to be limited to help 30 jiggers daily only. Alcohol however has health advantages such seeing that vasodilation. These are just some of what Health fitness points recommendFor more information on click here: http://www.healthcareaffect.us

  153. Just about everyone has heard the particular argument regarding spending a lot more now about quality to save lots of money afterwards. But think about the influence your purchase has on the planet, shouldn't shopping ethically engage in the debate too?For more information on click here: http://www.eventsshopping.us

  154. There are actually all documents and forms and sizes of fashion blogs being the internet is heaped with them. It can go over the main advantage of wearing thin jeans finished boyfriend a pair of jeans or the simplest way pink takes site of charcoal plus the whole set of extras. Whenever you go over the internet, you could get your fill of this latest in fashion trends with the aid of fashion blogs.For more information on click here: http://www.serviceadvisories.com

  155. Health fitness recommendations also suggest vices really should be stopped. Smoking predisposes want you to vascular conditions just like arteriosclerosis plus heart health conditions. Alcohol consumption needn't be wiped out but really should be limited so that you can 30 jiggers on a daily basis only. Alcohol continue to has rewards such when vasodilation. These are are just some of what Health fitness recommendations recommendFor more information on click here: http://www.healthifitness.us

  156. You can get all versions and sizes and shapes of fashion blogs given that the internet is rife with them. It can consider the benefit of wearing skinny jeans throughout boyfriend tight pants or skirts or the correct way pink takes spot of black colored plus the extras. Whilst you go web based, you get your fill belonging to the latest popular trends using fashion blogs.For more information on click here: http://www.globenewscenter.us

  157. fashionlabel says:

    You will discover all types and designs of fashion blogs since the internet is filled with them. It can discuss the benefit of wearing thin jeans more than boyfriend denim jeans or exactly how pink takes the area of dark plus all of the extras. While you go on the internet, you can get your fill from the latest popular trends by way of fashion blogs.For more information on click here: http://www.fashionlabel.us

  158. theworldnews says:

    One can find all methods and figures of fashion blogs when the internet is complete with them. It can focus on the advantage of wearing slender jeans about boyfriend pants or the way in which pink takes the location of ebony plus most of the extras. As you may go on line, you will receive your fill within the latest in fashion trends by fashion blogs.For more information on click here: http://www.theworldnews.us

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  160. equallaw says:

    The laws associated with nature are simply as these people treat each and every specie (and not just man) along with equality. Inside a jungle, each and every specie will get its because of share associated with food, air as well as water that enable these phones live the dignified life without having to be dependent on every other creation. Character makes absolutely no distinction in between one specie, and also the other because all species would be the children from the same Lord.For more information on click here: http://www.equallaw.us

  161. Health fitness hints also counsel that vices has to be stopped. Smoking predisposes to vascular conditions which include arteriosclerosis together with heart medical conditions. Alcohol consumption should not be taken off but has to be limited that will 30 jiggers each and every day only. Alcohol also has health and fitness benefits such mainly because vasodilation. These are just some of what Health fitness hints recommendFor more information on click here: http://www.healthandfoodideas.com

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  171. Health fitness tips and hints also suggest that vices could be stopped. Smoking predisposes people to vascular conditions along the lines of arteriosclerosis not to mention heart sicknesses. Alcohol consumption does not have to be got rid of but could be limited towards 30 jiggers a full day only. Alcohol even so has health rewards such for the reason that vasodilation. These are just some of what Health fitness tips and hints recommendFor more information on click here: http://www.healthfitnesstogether.com

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  175. Have you been thinking about remodeling your home? Keep in mind that you can often achieve your goal without a giant expense. Small improvements introduced in almost every room, including the exterior of the house can make all the difference.For more information on click here: http://www.homesrenovation.us

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  177. We have all heard the argument for spending more now on quality to save money later. But what about the impact your purchase has on the world, shouldn't shopping ethically be part of the discussion too?For more information on click here: http://www.myshoppingideas.us

  178. generalspot says:

    Real estate businesses live not to mention die from their capability to add benefits. With certainly no added benefits, there are actually no business earnings. This for sure with any sort of business, but what makes real estate this great business and then a great funding, is the sheer number of ways you'll be able to value and take advantage of big business earnings.For more information on click here: http://www.generalspot.us

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  179. Make use of a travel agent that provides travel deals for handicapped travelers. Booking plane tickets and rooms in hotels with journey agents that provide travel methods to disabled individuals is advantageous in many ways. They make sure they book for his or her disabled customers airlines as well as hotels which are disabled pleasant. They make an effort to offer providers and suggestions which will ensure their own clients journey comfortably.For more information on click here: http://www.bestadventuretravel.us

  180. One of the biggest competitions of today is staying fit. It seems like people nowadays want to lose weight instantly as if there is no tomorrow or it is as if it is a passport for the general population. Losing weight and staying fit is never easy.For more information on click here: http://www.healthandworkoutplan.com

  181. Real estate shareholders live in addition to die by means of their chance to add importance. With not any added importance, there usually are no gains. This applies with almost any business, but what makes real estate a really great business as well as a great investment decision, is the volume of ways you can contribute value and benefit from big gains.For more information on click here: http://www.realestatevalley.us

  182. Health fitness tips also recommend that vices should be stopped. Smoking predisposes one to vascular conditions such as arteriosclerosis and heart diseases. Alcohol consumption need not be eliminated but should be limited to 30 jiggers a day only. Alcohol still has health benefits such as vasodilation. These are just some of what Health fitness tips recommendFor more information on click here: http://www.healthyactivities.us

  183. Were you thinking with regards to remodeling your current home? Understand that you may achieve your current goal and not using a giant price. Small changes introduced in nearly all room, including the outdoors on the town can make the many difference.the budget decorator

  184. Most likely you view the trend in this article… Commercial House loan Financing can be employed in pretty much any marketplace for virtually any commercial property or home. Speak with all your Business Finance Broker while you are ready to invest in a Commercial Real estate investment opportunity.business terms

  185. You'll find all varieties and styles of fashion blogs because the internet is packed with them. It can speak about the main advantage of wearing slim jeans above boyfriend denims or just how pink takes the spot of african american plus every one of the extras. When you go on the web, you are certain to get your fill with the latest in fashion trends by means of fashion blogs.For more information on click here: http://www.currentfashiontrend.com

  186. Real estate traders live as well as die through their capability to add worth. With absolutely no added worth, there tend to be no earnings. This holds true with any kind of business, but why is real estate this type of great business along with a great expense, is the amount of ways you can include value and profit from big earnings.For more information on click here: http://www.commercialsproperty.us

  187. Are you thinking concerning remodeling the home? Take into account that you can frequently achieve the goal with out a giant expenditure. Small advancements introduced in virtually every room, including the surface of your home can make every one of the difference.For more information on click here: http://www.houseInnovations.us

  188. the services says:

    The truth is that We can sit these today and even write what you deserve to be hunting for in business trends and be able to a 365 days from at present, write the exact same sort in article through different ideas to keep abreast of as business and even society evolve.For more information on click here: http://www.theservicesexperience.com

  189. Are you currently thinking regarding remodeling your own home? Remember that you could achieve your own goal with no giant cost. Small enhancements introduced in nearly every room, including the outside of the home can make all of the difference.For more information on click here: http://www.selecthomeadvisor.us

  190. Just about everyone has heard the particular argument regarding spending a lot more now about quality to save lots of money afterwards. But think about the influence your purchase has on the planet, shouldn't shopping ethically engage in the debate too?For more information on click here: http://www.eventsshopping.us

  191. There are actually all documents and forms and sizes of fashion blogs being the internet is heaped with them. It can go over the main advantage of wearing thin jeans finished boyfriend a pair of jeans or the simplest way pink takes site of charcoal plus the whole set of extras. Whenever you go over the internet, you could get your fill of this latest in fashion trends with the aid of fashion blogs.For more information on click here: http://www.serviceadvisories.com

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