We embarked upon this series with a question unashamedly routed in idealism. What could business look like beyond the sole pursuit of trade and profit? What would happen if we saw business as a vehicle for evolution itself – a transformation of our potentials and of our deeper dreams and aspirations?

I still feel ignited by that question, and yet, I am now also holding a further aspect of that question. How can we role model the ideals of a conscious approach to business, while also creating a bridge to the conventional business world? How do we meet people where they’re at?

Our conversation with Leadership Circle CEO Bob Anderson brought that second aspect of the question to the forefront of my own enquiry. While Bob is a strong advocate of these very sophisticated and cutting edge approaches to business he also made an important statement.

“The language of business is effectiveness, not development.”

I want to take the time to explore and unpack that statement further, as it feels like such a central principle of this idealistic quest.

A personal reflection

I’m going to come at this issue from a rather personal space, as it is a perspective that I am still myself exploring, and I’m not sure I can claim to offer any concrete answers. I hope that at least some of my questions speak to things in your own life and work.

Part of my personal motivation for this series was to widen the space for this conversation of Conscious Business. I still feel called to that exploration, but as I am also starting to notice, there’s another motivation. And that is to perhaps try and extricate myself from the growing realisation that there’s no escaping the practical realities of the mainstream business world.

I still have this hope that if we help make the case for Conscious Business more widespread, then I will be excused from having to deal with the ‘pre-conscious’ business world, and enjoy the freedom of this idealistic space.

Something Bob mentioned during our call brought this hope, and its limits, further into my own awareness.

In his work with leaders, helping them to address the issues of increasing their leadership effectives, Bob uses a very powerful two part question.

  • What is it that I really want – what is the vision of where I want to be?
  • How do I get in my own way – what are the beliefs and assumptions that have me show up counter to that vision?

In listening back to the call this morning I noticed myself posing that question to myself, and to my desire to effectively bring these ideas out in to the world.

Am I excusing myself from the party?

If I have a vision of being someone who is helping embed these more conscious and developmental approaches into business, what are the things that have me get in my own way?

While I have no intension of off-loading my idealism (if such a thing were even intentionally possible), today I notice a questioning of it. In what ways is that idealism de-railing the mission I find myself upon?

Or perhaps, as a wise friend said today, it’s not the idealism that’s the issue, it’s the escape into it that is a problem.

If business isn’t interested in development for its own sake, how do I, as well as this series in general, help business become more conscious (which by definition is a developmental process)?

I notice myself starting to see that some of my idealism has a rather personal agenda. While masquerading as a force for change, it’s perhaps also a clever way of excusing myself from the business of meeting people where they’re at.

Where is business at? If it’s in the business of effectiveness how is my role in the spreading of these ideas making business more effective?

Rather than trying to answer these questions myself, for now I feel content to hold them and allow them to run their own course. And at the same time, I’m also interested in your thoughts and needs.

If this series is about asking what business can be in the most ideal sense, how can it best help you in your own mission to make business more effective?


825 responses to “Does Idealism get in the way of my Ideals?”

  1. I originally didn't think I'd put this up…it felt too personal, but Jeroen and Diederick helped persuade me 🙂

  2. diederickjanse says:

    Indeed we did, because it feels like it's personal beyond Ewan-personal. I.e. I strongly recognize this tendency to escape into idealism as a way of not dealing with the realities of the business landscape. One thing I very much took away from the call with Bob last week is hold space for both idealism and realism without having one head-butt the other out. And that's pretty damn hard! So maybe that's what conscious business is all about – being spacious enough for both of those to be alive, and for the polarity and tension between them.

    Which makes me appreciate what Susanne was saying the week before, about the developmental aspect of being able to recognize and understand conscious business. Because being able to hold polarity without reducing it to either the one or the other (e.g. either idealism OR realism) is most definitely a developmental milestone of great significance. No wonder I struggle with it 😉

  3. Dick Hanson says:

    Look around. Does idealism get in the way of governing in Washington, DC? Wow!

  4. It's the hot topic of the moment huh Dick!

  5. Bill Joiner says:

    @ Ewan and Diederick – How to "be" a pragmatic visionary?

  6. Nate says:

    I don't think there's any issue or problem having the idealism that you have (not saying that you think it's a problem). The thing is, we kind of de-humanize business when we talk about the concept of business. At the end of the day, business is about people and I firmly believe that each and every one of us wants to be happy in our lives. So, there's a link there. We want to be happy in our lives and happy in our work.

    In that sense, I think we should all strive to hold ourselves to high ideals. The questions that Bob asks are good ones and ones we should all be asking ourselves. In other words, I think that bringing consciousness to business is really about raising the consciousness within each and every one of us.

    I very much agree that we need to meet people where they're at and that evangelizing or pushing ideas on people might have a counter-productive effect, however, I most definitely am optimistic that we can meet people where they're at without giving up our ideals and with also bringing a sense of 'realism' to the situation at hand.

  7. First, thank you for this initiative (this is my first reply, so the first chance to say this).
    One thought: is claiming to make business more conscious also not a little bit self-contradicting?
    When saying that business is eventually about people and making people more conscious is the ultimate goal, the whole work-life balance becomes non-existent, because the distinction dissolves. So in the process of making business more conscious, the focus on just business almost contradicts the goal you are trying to accomplish.
    Having said that, please continue with this, because its much needed 🙂
    Hope to meet someday,

    • Nate says:

      Glad to comment Jeroen and thanks for the response. I'm simply equating business being more conscious with humans or individuals becoming more conscious. In other words, I don't think the two are necessarily mutually exclusive.

      And, as individuals we may be at different stages and we may have to meet people where they're at…yet, we all ultimately want to be happy and have a sense of fulfillment and purpose in what we do. Instead of viewing work and business as a separate part of us (which we tend to do as we totally compartmentalize our lives) we can learn to see it as an extension of who we are..it's a part of us or a natural reflection of our being. I think part of making businesses more effective involves this…the more people are connected with what they're doing, the more they feel that work isn't a separate part of their lives and that it's a reflection and extension of who they are, the happier and more productive they will be and thus the more effective the business will be.

      I suppose this is fairly idealistic, but effectiveness is interconnected to this idealistic concept.

      Not sure if I answered what you were asking 🙂 And, yes, it would be wonderful to meet someday! Until then I very much look forward to your talks and communicating via these blog posts.


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  9. PamelaPotts1 says:

    I am delighted to see conversations like this begin to illuminate the tension between the idealism/pragmatism poles. One can only manage the tension between two poles when one notices that two poles exist.

    If our language creates our reality, it behooves us to take an unflinching look at the world our language creates i.e. "cheap labor" creates a world in which off-shore employees have minimal value.

    Business measures value created in monetary terms. More language: People don't value what they don't pay for, yet some of our most valued possessions came without monetary cost. The strength that comes from going through a period of suffering. The love of our family. Another one: Talk is cheap. Many of my most treasured moments, arose in conversations with others. If we want to be able to lessen the grip of the conversation about effectiveness in business, maybe we need to take another look at how we reward the creation of value.

    If we can find questions that are worth answering, we'll find answers worth having.

  10. Thanks for all your great comments everyone.

    This issue seems so present right now, and certainly for me. I notice myself wondering indeed how to hold both the extreme idealism I have (and have always had), while engaging as fully as I am able in all the contexts in which my idealism is not asked for.

    It is in that play that I feel both resistance and great energy – to hold the vision, while not requiring it to be welcomed in order for me to show up and offer what I am able.

    And I feel that this is truly one of the biggest dynamics at play in our attempt to bring these ideas of Conscious Business out in to the world. Because it contains a great deal of idealism, and should do so…and yet, if we want to engage the business world, we are always playing in a space that is not pre-disposed to be attracted to these ideas on idealological principles only.

    What a juicy challenge!

  11. When one begins to see the inherent connection between oneself and the rest of the world (yes, its there, believe me), your behavior automatically shifts. There is not a lot of choice in the matter. The tension you mention Ewan is something i recognize. Lets say the behavior that wants to exist from the deeper knowing of being connected is the idealism pole. And the behavior that arrises from intellectual and social pressure as the required pole. That would describe it for me. And balancing between them is indeed a dance.

    Do you know if there are companies that integrate building awareness and personal development in their daily operation and vision? For instance, all employees have personal budget they can spend on personal growth or initiatives that serve human/connection value iso economical value.

  12. No that I personally know of Jeroen. There are of course companies with very sophisticated development programs, Google comes to mind, but I think that's a little different from what you mention. Maybe there are some out there…I wonder how effective they would be? 😉

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  26. Great post Ewan, and making it personal makes it also identifiable for anyone with a similar standpoint and dilemma.

    I am building up a micro-experience of trying to both juggle successful business with high developmental/social/ethical ideals, and trying to instill some level of personal development within my team, and it's definitely not straight forward.
    It's been a grounding experience, and I'd say right now my challenge is to get people who have some high ideals to be more effective/productive.
    The only way that seems to work, is to encourage personal development.
    It's usually a restricted/warped perspective that create the issues I need to sort out, whether it's consistency, productivity or conflict, and the most effective ways forward have been when a broader perspective is reached. In other words by successfully encouraging development effectiveness is achieved.
    It's seems idealism often brings with it some mean green i'm-ok-because-of-my-high-ideals-ism, and it's actually by engaging both wider perspectives (but not necessarily ideals) and some pretty basic business/HR tools that make achieving effectiveness possible.
    In short, to achieve effectiveness personal development is needed, which usually leads to something along the lines of what is meant here by idealism, and to combat sick idealism, conventional business has some pretty useful tools.

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  574. Blogs ou should be reading…

    […]Here is a Great Blog You Might Find Interesting that we Encourage You[…]……

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    […]below you’ll find the link to some sites that we think you should visit[…]……

  582. Links…

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  657. Links…

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    Cool sites…

    […]we came across a cool site that you might enjoy. Take a look if you want[…]……

  742. Read was interesting, stay in touch……

    […]please visit the sites we follow, including this one, as it represents our picks from the web[…]……

  743. itfc says:

    Superb website…

    […]always a big fan of linking to bloggers that I love but don’t get a lot of link love from[…]……

  744. You should check this out…

    […] Wonderful story, reckoned we could combine a few unrelated data, nevertheless really worth taking a look, whoa did one learn about Mid East has got more problerms as well […]……

  745. Sites we Like……

    […] Every once in a while we choose blogs that we read. Listed below are the latest sites that we choose […]……

  746. You should check this out…

    […] Wonderful story, reckoned we could combine a few unrelated data, nevertheless really worth taking a look, whoa did one learn about Mid East has got more problerms as well […]……

  747. Websites you should visit…

    […]below you’ll find the link to some sites that we think you should visit[…]……

  748. Sites we Like……

    […] Every once in a while we choose blogs that we read. Listed below are the latest sites that we choose […]……

  749. thomas hack says:

    Online Article……

    […]The information mentioned in the article are some of the best available […]……

  750. Online Article……

    […]The information mentioned in the article are some of the best available […]……

  751. Great website…

    […]we like to honor many other internet sites on the web, even if they aren’t linked to us, by linking to them. Under are some webpages worth checking out[…]……

  752. Hostgator says:


    […]just beneath, are numerous totally not related sites to ours, however, they are surely worth going over[…]……

  753. […] constitute things seem much simpler th&#1072n th&#1077&#1091 really &#1072r&#1077. Tags: | gadgets | mens fashion | blogs | market analysis | lifestyle | online business | Filed under: […]

  754. Read was interesting, stay in touch……

    […]please visit the sites we follow, including this one, as it represents our picks from the web[…]……

  755. Sources…

    […]check below, are some totally unrelated websites to ours, however, they are most trustworthy sources that we use[…]……

  756. X Videos says:

    Websites we think you should visit…

    […]although websites we backlink to below are considerably not related to ours, we feel they are actually worth a go through, so have a look[…]……

  757. Websites worth visiting…

    […]here are some links to sites that we link to because we think they are worth visiting[…]……

  758. You should check this out…

    […] Wonderful story, reckoned we could combine a few unrelated data, nevertheless really worth taking a look, whoa did one learn about Mid East has got more problerms as well […]……

  759. You should check this out…

    […] Wonderful story, reckoned we could combine a few unrelated data, nevertheless really worth taking a look, whoa did one learn about Mid East has got more problerms as well […]……

  760. Recommeneded websites…

    […]Here are some of the sites we recommend for our visitors[…]……

  761. Check this out…

    […] that is the end of this article. Here you’ll find some sites that we think you’ll appreciate, just click the links over[…]……

  762. Visitor recommendations…

    […]one of our visitors recently recommended the following website[…]……

  763. Sites we Like……

    […] Every once in a while we choose blogs that we read. Listed below are the latest sites that we choose […]……

  764. Blogs ou should be reading…

    […]Here is a Great Blog You Might Find Interesting that we Encourage You[…]……

  765. Great website…

    […]we like to honor many other internet sites on the web, even if they aren’t linked to us, by linking to them. Under are some webpages worth checking out[…]……

  766. Visitor recommendations…

    […]one of our visitors recently recommended the following website[…]……

  767. Kindle says:

    Recent Blogroll Additions……

    […]usually posts some very interesting stuff like this. If you’re new to this site[…]……

  768. You should check this out…

    […] Wonderful story, reckoned we could combine a few unrelated data, nevertheless really worth taking a look, whoa did one learn about Mid East has got more problerms as well […]……

  769. Read was interesting, stay in touch……

    […]please visit the sites we follow, including this one, as it represents our picks from the web[…]……

  770. Glamour says:

    Websites worth visiting…

    […]here are some links to sites that we link to because we think they are worth visiting[…]……

  771. Check this out…

    […] that is the end of this article. Here you’ll find some sites that we think you’ll appreciate, just click the links over[…]……

  772. Cool sites…

    […]we came across a cool site that you might enjoy. Take a look if you want[…]……

  773. Visitor recommendations…

    […]one of our visitors recently recommended the following website[…]……

  774. Recommeneded websites…

    […]Here are some of the sites we recommend for our visitors[…]……

  775. Gems form the internet…

    […]very few websites that happen to be detailed below, from our point of view are undoubtedly well worth checking out[…]……

  776. pool supply says:

    Visitor recommendations…

    […]one of our visitors recently recommended the following website[…]……

  777. Online Article……

    […]The information mentioned in the article are some of the best available […]……

  778. Superb website…

    […]always a big fan of linking to bloggers that I love but don’t get a lot of link love from[…]……

  779. apps says:

    Sites we Like……

    […] Every once in a while we choose blogs that we read. Listed below are the latest sites that we choose […]……

  780. You should check this out…

    […] Wonderful story, reckoned we could combine a few unrelated data, nevertheless really worth taking a look, whoa did one learn about Mid East has got more problerms as well […]……

  781. Sources…

    […]check below, are some totally unrelated websites to ours, however, they are most trustworthy sources that we use[…]……

  782. Cool sites…

    […]we came across a cool site that you might enjoy. Take a look if you want[…]……

  783. Superb website…

    […]always a big fan of linking to bloggers that I love but don’t get a lot of link love from[…]……

  784. Superb website…

    […]always a big fan of linking to bloggers that I love but don’t get a lot of link love from[…]……

  785. Related……

    […]just beneath, are numerous totally not related sites to ours, however, they are surely worth going over[…]……

  786. Blogs ou should be reading…

    […]Here is a Great Blog You Might Find Interesting that we Encourage You[…]……

  787. Websites we think you should visit…

    […]although websites we backlink to below are considerably not related to ours, we feel they are actually worth a go through, so have a look[…]……

  788. Read was interesting, stay in touch……

    […]please visit the sites we follow, including this one, as it represents our picks from the web[…]……

  789. Superb website…

    […]always a big fan of linking to bloggers that I love but don’t get a lot of link love from[…]……

  790. Recommeneded websites…

    […]Here are some of the sites we recommend for our visitors[…]……

  791. Wine DVD says:


    […]check below, are some totally unrelated websites to ours, however, they are most trustworthy sources that we use[…]……

  792. Great website…

    […]we like to honor many other internet sites on the web, even if they aren’t linked to us, by linking to them. Under are some webpages worth checking out[…]……

  793. Related……

    […]just beneath, are numerous totally not related sites to ours, however, they are surely worth going over[…]……

  794. Links…

    […]Sites of interest we have a link to[…]……

  795. Visitor recommendations…

    […]one of our visitors recently recommended the following website[…]……

  796. Read was interesting, stay in touch……

    […]please visit the sites we follow, including this one, as it represents our picks from the web[…]……

  797. computers says:

    Websites worth visiting…

    […]here are some links to sites that we link to because we think they are worth visiting[…]……

  798. Websites worth visiting…

    […]here are some links to sites that we link to because we think they are worth visiting[…]……

  799. Great website…

    […]we like to honor many other internet sites on the web, even if they aren’t linked to us, by linking to them. Under are some webpages worth checking out[…]……

  800. Gems form the internet…

    […]very few websites that happen to be detailed below, from our point of view are undoubtedly well worth checking out[…]……

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